Results for 'Terrence P. Mc Eachern'

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  1.  79
    The Inducement of Meaningful Work: A Response to Anderson and Weijer.Terrence P. Mc Eachern - 2005 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 26 (5):427-430.
    James A. Anderson and Charles Weijer take the wage payment model proposed by Neil Dickert and Christine Grady and extend the analogy of research participation to unskilled wage labor to include just working conditions. Although noble in its intentions, this moral extension generates unsavory outcomes. Most notably, Anderson and Weijer distinguish between two types of research subjects: occasional and professional. The latter, in this case, receives benefits beyond the moral minima in the form of “the right to meaningful work.” The (...)
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    A Conversation Worth Having: Hauerwas and Gustafson on Substance in Theological Ethics.Terrence P. Reynolds - 2000 - Journal of Religious Ethics 28 (3):395 - 421.
    When a debate is misplaced, new problems are cast in the distorting language of the settled problems of the past while, at the same time, the participants in the debate are assimilated into communities of thought with which they have little in common. The result is that their work, and our response to it, is distorted. This article contends that the polemical debate between James Gustafson (and his followers) and Stanley Hauerwas (and his followers) is just such a misplaced debate. (...)
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    Philosophical Implications of the Modern Revolution of Thought.J. P. Mc Kinney - 1957 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 18:35.
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    Book reviews. [REVIEW]Bruce Bratley, Terrence P. O’Connor & Clare Richards - 1995 - Science and Engineering Ethics 1 (2):189-191.
    The author is a social geographer, currently involved with research which addresses the socio-political aspects of renewable energy generation in Britain. The author’s areas of special interest are teaching excellence and ethics in engineering and engineering technology. The reviewer is currently head of Religious Education in a large comprehensive school in Norwich, UK. She is author of articles and school books, including titles on moral issues for GCSE students.
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    A Concordance of Prudentius. [REVIEW]Martin R. P. Mc Guire - 1933 - New Scholasticism 7 (1):88-89.
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    Protocol for the development of a CONSORT extension for RCTs using cohorts and routinely collected health data.Brett D. Thombs, David Torgerson, Maureen Sauvé, David Erlinge, Eric I. Benchimol, Helena M. Verkooijen, Rudolf Uher, Lehana Thabane, Tjeerd P. van Staa, Kimberly A. Mc Cord, Marion K. Campbell, Philippe Ravaud, Isabelle Boutron, David Moher, Sinéad M. Langan, Merrick Zwarenstein, Chris Gale, Clare Relton, Ole Fröbert, Margaret Sampson, Lars G. Hemkens, Edmund Juszczak & Linda Kwakkenbos - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).
    BackgroundRandomized controlled trials (RCTs) are often complex and expensive to perform. Less than one third achieve planned recruitment targets, follow-up can be labor-intensive, and many have limited real-world generalizability. Designs for RCTs conducted using cohorts and routinely collected health data, including registries, electronic health records, and administrative databases, have been proposed to address these challenges and are being rapidly adopted. These designs, however, are relatively recent innovations, and published RCT reports often do not describe important aspects of their methodology in (...)
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  7. Non-governmental organizations, shareholder activism, and socially responsible investments: Ethical, strategic, and governance implications. [REVIEW]Terrence Guay, Jonathan P. Doh & Graham Sinclair - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 52 (1):125-139.
    In this article, we document the growing influence of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the realm of socially responsible investing (SRI). Drawing from ethical and economic perspectives on stakeholder management and agency theory, we develop a framework to understand how and when NGOs will be most influential in shaping the ethical and social responsibility orientations of business using the emergence of SRI as the primary influencing vehicle. We find that NGOs have opportunities to influence corporate conduct via direct, indirect, and interactive (...)
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  8. Circles in the Air. Pantomymics and the Transcendental Object.P. Mc Pherson - 1996 - Kant Studien 87:132-148.
  9.  52
    Environmental values and forest patch conservation in a rural Costa Rican community.Terrence Jantzi, John Schelhas & James P. Lassoie - 1999 - Agriculture and Human Values 16 (1):29-39.
    Although conservation attention has generally focused on large forest tracts, there is increasing evidence that smaller forest patches are important for both conservation and rural development. A study of forest patch conservation in a rural Costa Rican community found that, although forest patch conservation was influenced by landholding size, material factors did not account for all the variation in forest patches conservation behavior or conservation orientations of farmers. A qualitative interpretive approach, using semi-structured interviews, found that environmental values were influenced (...)
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    Al-Khwārizmī's Sine Tables and a Western Table with the Hindu Norm of R = 150.John G. Byrne & Daniel P. Mc Carthy - 2003 - Archive for History of Exact Sciences 57 (3):243-266.
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    Evaluating the Impact of NGO Activism of Corporate Social Responsibility: Cases from Europe and the United States.Jonathan P. Doh & Terrence R. Guay - 2007 - Proceedings of the International Association for Business and Society 18:126-131.
    We argue that differences in the institutional setting of Europe and the US is the critical factor in understanding policymaking in Europe and the United States, and particularly the influence of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs). To test this relationship between institutional differences, corporate social responsibility (CSR), and NGO activism, we investigate 12 cases involving US and European companies in each of three industries. We conclude that different institutional structures and political legacies in the US and Europe are important factors in explaining (...)
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  12. Yabancılaşma ve İnsan Doğası Bağlamında Marx’ta Etiğin İmkânı.Alper Bilgehan Yardımcı - 2020 - Uluslararası Sosyal Araştırmalar Dergisi 13 (73):632-640.
    Marx’ın yapıtlarında ahlaki bir kaygı taşıdığı ve bu doğrultuda bir etik teorisine sahip olduğu düşüncesi günümüzde tartışılmaya devam eden bir meseledir. Bu tartışma genellikle Marx'ın yabancılaşma, insan doğası ve kapitalizm hakkında ileri sürmüş olduğu düşünceleri üzerinden yürütülmektedir. Bu kapsamda, ilk olarak, makalede Marx’ın yabancılaşma teorisi ve bu kavramın nasıl ortaya çıktığına ilişkin tarihsel arka plan verilmektedir. Daha sonra yabancılaşma ile insan doğası arasındaki ilişkiyi kurarak, Marx'ın insan doğası anlayışının ona bir etik teorisi imkânı sağlayıp sağlamadığı tartışılmaktadır. Bu bağlamda, Marx'ın etik (...)
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  13. Realistic neurons can compute the operations needed by quantum probability theory and other vector symbolic architectures.Terrence C. Stewart & Chris Eliasmith - 2013 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 36 (3):307 - 308.
    Quantum probability (QP) theory can be seen as a type of vector symbolic architecture (VSA): mental states are vectors storing structured information and manipulated using algebraic operations. Furthermore, the operations needed by QP match those in other VSAs. This allows existing biologically realistic neural models to be adapted to provide a mechanistic explanation of the cognitive phenomena described in the target article by Pothos & Busemeyer (P&B).
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    Method Divorced From Content in Theology? An Assessment of Lonergan’s Method in Theology.Terrence Reynolds - 1991 - The Thomist 55 (2):245-269.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:METHOD DIVORCED FROM CONTENT IN THEOLOGY? AN ASSESSMENT OF LONERGAN'S METHOD IN THEOLOGY TERRENCE REYNOLDS Brown University Providence, Rhode Island IN IDS INTRODUCTION to Method in Theology, Bernard Lonergan flatly maintains that he intends to· write not theology but only method in theology.1 He therefore concern himself solely with the operations theologians perform and to suspend consideration of the objects they seek to expound. He is looking (...)
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    Experimentalism in bioethics research.Terrence F. Ackerman - 1983 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 8 (2):169-180.
    Basson's commentary on my proposals regarding the structure and function of research in bioethics provides a welcome opportunity for extended comparison of standard approaches with the suggestions made in ‘What Bioethics Should Be.’ I begin by noting a common assumption underlying our respective views. I then address points of fundamental difference, indicating why the experimental method proposed in my original essay presents a potentially more productive strategy for examining moral issues in biomedicine. In the latter respect, I certainly disagree with (...)
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    Hoe krijgt mc 2,15–17 (nbg 1951) betekenis? Analyse Van de narratieve syntaxis Van het oppervlakte-niveau.P. de Maat - 1983 - Bijdragen 44 (2):194-207.
    (1983). HOE KRIJGT Mc 2,15–17 (NBG 1951) BETEKENIS? ANALYSE VAN DE NARRATIEVE SYNTAXIS VAN HET OPPERVLAKTE-NIVEAU. Bijdragen: Vol. 44, No. 2, pp. 194-207.
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  17. MC Di Gregori y A. Hebrard (comps.), Peirce, Schiller, Dewey y Rorty. Usos y revisiones del pragmatismo clásico.V. P. Sánchez García - 2011 - Revista Latinoamericana de Filosofia 37 (1):153.
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  18. Review of The Computational Brain by Patricia S. Churchland and Terrence J. Sejnowski. [REVIEW]Brian P. McLaughlin - 1996 - Philosophy of Science 63 (1):137-139.
  19. Volume 45, No. 1–August 1998 MC Sánchez/Rational Choice on Non-finite Sets by Means of Expansion-contraction Axioms 1–17 L. Sapir/The Optimality of the Expert and Majority Rules under Exponentially Distributed Competence 19–35. [REVIEW]P. D. Thistle & Economic Performance Social Structure - 1998 - Theory and Decision 45 (2):303-304.
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  20. Agich, George J., and Bethan J. Spielman. Ethics Expert Testimony: Against the Skeptics 22, 381. Agich, George J., and Royce P. Jones. The Logical Status of Brain Death Criteria 10, 387. Allison, David, and Mark D. Roberts. On Constructing the Disorder of Hysteria 19, 239. Anderson, W. French. Human Gene Therapy: Scientific and Ethical Considerations 10, 275. [REVIEW]Johann S. Ach, Susanne Ackerman, F. Terrence, Allan Adelman & Howard See Adelman - 2003 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 360:5310.
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    The Soul of Europe. Joseph Mc Cabe.E. S. P. Haynes - 1916 - International Journal of Ethics 26 (3):431-432.
  22. Corballis, MC, 191 Purcell, SE, 131 Ehrlich, SM, 131.R. Baillargeon, D. Bavelier, P. Bloom, K. Breinlinger, K. N. Kirby, L. Kotovsky, D. R. Mandel & E. Margolis - 1994 - Cognition 51:287.
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    Les Quatres Vivants.P.-M. Bogaert - 2001 - Revue Théologique de Louvain 32 (4):457-478.
    L'examen des diverses combinaisons des ordres des évangiles et des ordres bibliques des Quatre Vivants permet de montrer que l'identification des évangélistes avec les Vivants a visé d'abord à exprimer l'unité de l'Évangile un et quatre avant de caractériser leurs différences. Trois systèmes ont prévalu dans l'antiquité. Dans le plus ancien, Marc est identifié à l'Aigle ; dans un autre système, Marc est identifié à l'Homme ; dans le système reçu, finalement Marc est identifié au Lion . A l'origine, l'Apocalypse (...)
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  24. J.-L. Allard, Etre et savoir, Ottawa, Presses de l'Université. 1989, 217 p. Académie suisse des sciences humaines. Rapport de gestion 1989. 256 p. MC Banner, The Justification of Science and the Rationality of Religious Belief. Oxford. Clarendon Press, 1990, 196 p. JMR Baro, El positivismo y su valoracion en America, Barcelona, PPU, 1989, 223 p. [REVIEW]Agostino D'Ippona, Commento di G. Madec & Fr De Capitani - 1990 - Revue de Théologie Et de Philosophie 40:292.
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  25. A direct test of E=mc 2.S. Rainville, E. G. Kessler Jr, M. Jentschel, P. Mutti, J. K. Thompson, E. G. Myers, J. M. Brown, M. S. Dewey, R. D. Deslattes, H. G. Börner & D. E. Pritchard - 2005 - Nature 438 (22):1096-1097.
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  26.  24
    S. Ambrose, Seven Exegetical Works, translated by Michael P. Mc Hugh. [REVIEW]V. Vasey - 1973 - Augustinianum 13 (2):358-361.
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    Transcendence and Film: Cinematic Encounters with the Real.David P. Nichols (ed.) - 2019 - Lanham: Lexington Books.
    In this book, ten experts in philosophy of film explore the importance of transcendence for cinema as an art form in the films of the great directors, David Cronenberg, Karl Theodor Dreyer, Federico Fellini, Werner Herzog, Stanley Kubrick, David Lynch, Terrence Malick, Yasujiro Ozu, and Martin Scorsese.
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    Pʻilosopʻia, politika, mcʻire proza.Mixeil Maxaraże - 2004 - Batʻumi: S.S. "Gamomcʻemloba Ačara".
  29. What is Wrong with Cantor's Diagonal Argument?R. T. Brady & P. A. Rush - 2008 - Logique Et Analyse 51 (1):185-219..
    We first consider the entailment logic MC, based on meaning containment, which contains neither the Law of Excluded Middle (LEM) nor the Disjunctive Syllogism (DS). We then argue that the DS may be assumed at least on a similar basis as the assumption of the LEM, which is then justified over a finite domain or for a recursive property over an infinite domain. In the latter case, use is made of Mathematical Induction. We then show that an instance of the (...)
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    Reflexiones Sobre P. Alzola Cerero (2020). El Cine de Terrence Malick. La Esperanza de Llegar a Casa. Pamplona: Eunsa.José Alfredo Peris Cancio - 2020 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 19:263-277.
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    Divine Action and Emergence: An Alternative to Panentheism by Mariuscz Tabaczek, O.P. (review).Edmund Lazzari - 2023 - Nova et Vetera 21 (4):1430-1435.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Reviewed by:Divine Action and Emergence: An Alternative to Panentheism by Mariuscz Tabaczek, O.P.Edmund LazzariDivine Action and Emergence: An Alternative to Panentheism by Mariuscz Tabaczek O.P., (Notre Dame, IN: University of Notre Dame Press, 2021), xviii + 346 pp.One of the most challenging scientific phenomena for metaphysical explanation is the emergence of higher-order properties out of lower-level constituents of a system. This relatively recent scientific observation raises serious questions for (...)
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    The Writings of Charles de Koninck: Volume 1.Charles De Koninck - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    The Writings of Charles De Koninck, Volume 1, introduces a projected three-volume series that presents the first English edition of the collected works of the Catholic Thomist philosopher Charles De Koninck. Ralph McInerny is the project editor and has prepared the excellent translations. The first volume contains writings ranging from De Koninck's 1934 dissertation at the University of Louvain on the philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington, to two remarkable early essays on indeterminism and the unpublished book "The Cosmos." The short (...)
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  33. The Writings of Charles de Koninck: Volume 1.Ralph McInerny (ed.) - 2008 - University of Notre Dame Press.
    _The Writings of Charles De Koninck_, Volume 1, introduces a projected three-volume series that presents the first English edition of the collected works of the Catholic Thomist philosopher Charles De Koninck. Ralph McInerny is the project editor and has prepared the excellent translations. The first volume contains writings ranging from De Koninck’s 1934 dissertation at the University of Louvain on the philosophy of Sir Arthur Eddington, to two remarkable early essays on indeterminism and the unpublished book “The Cosmos.” The short (...)
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    Czy możliwa jest „Nauka o książce"?Claude Gaudin - 1993 - Acta Universitatis Lodziensis. Folia Philosophica. Ethica-Aesthetica-Practica 9:5-21.
    Artykuł stanowi uzasadnienie twierdzącej odpowiedzi na pytanie, czy możliwa jest „Nauka o książce Katalogi oraz bibliografie pełnią funkcję przewodników wskazujących czytelnikom drogi poznania; zawierają one wiedzę szczególną i specyficzną. Przedmiotem rozważań jest analiza definicji bibliografii sformułowanych przez teoretyków zajmujących się tą problematyką: scharakteryzowane zostały koncepcje, których autorami są: W. Greg, F. Bowers, D. P. Mc Kenzie. Porównanie różnych poglądów, dotyczących przedmiotu, zakresu oraz zadań bibliografii, jest źródłem refleksji, ukazującej znaczenie pracy bibliografa w różnych aspektach. „Nauka o książce” jako główny przedmiot (...)
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    Medical chaperoning at a tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia: survey of physicians.E. A. Al-Gaai & M. M. Hammami - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (12):729-732.
    Background: Medical chaperones (MC) are underutilised. The influence of Islamic culture on the use of MC is not known. Aim: To examine physicians’ use and perception of MC in Islamic culture. Setting: A major tertiary care hospital in Saudi Arabia. Methods: 315 self-administered questionnaires were distributed to attendees of grand rounds of 13 departments. Results: 186 (59%) questionnaires were completed. 64.5% of the respondents were 30–49 years old, 75.8% were men and 31.2% were in training; 79% had a clinic load (...)
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    Attitudes of Lay People to Withdrawal of Treatment in Brain Damaged Patients.Jacob Gipson, Guy Kahane & Julian Savulescu - 2013 - Neuroethics 7 (1):1-9.
    BackgroundWhether patients in the vegetative state (VS), minimally conscious state (MCS) or the clinically related locked-in syndrome (LIS) should be kept alive is a matter of intense controversy. This study aimed to examine the moral attitudes of lay people to these questions, and the values and other factors that underlie these attitudes.MethodOne hundred ninety-nine US residents completed a survey using the online platform Mechanical Turk, comprising demographic questions, agreement with treatment withdrawal from each of the conditions, agreement with a series (...)
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    Dini Tutum, Paranormal İnanç ve Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimi İlişkisi: Üniversite Öğrencileri Üzerine Bir Araştırma.Halit Kalli & Sema Yılmaz - 2024 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 28 (2):914-934.
    Bu araştırmada dini tutum, paranormal inanç ve eleştirel düşünme eğilimi arasındaki ilişkiler incelenerek bu ilişkiler arasındaki değişkenler anlaşılmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışma nicel desenli ve ilişkisel tarama yöntemi ile hazırlanmıştır. Araştırmanın örneklemi, Sivas Cumhuriyet Üniversitesi ve Dokuz Eylül Üniversitesi’nin ilahiyat, eğitim ve sağlık bilimleri/tıp fakültelerinde öğrenim gören 626 gönüllü katılımcıdan oluşmaktadır. Veriler, katılımcıların demografik özelliklerine ilişkin kişisel bilgi formu ile Ok-Dini Tutum Ölçeği, Paranormal İnanç Ölçeği ve Eleştirel Düşünme Eğilimi Ölçeği kullanılarak sahada anket yöntemi vasıtasıyla toplanmıştır. Elde edilen verilerin analizleri yapmak için (...)
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  38. (1 other version)Subject and Predicate in Logic and Grammar.P. F. Strawson - 1974 - Philosophy 50 (194):481-483.
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    Sometimes More is Too Much: A Rejoinder to the Commentaries on Greiff et al. (2015).Samuel Greiff, Matthias Stadler, Philipp Sonnleitner, Christian Wolff & Romain Martin - unknown
    In this rejoinder, we respond to two commentaries on the study by Greiff, S.; Stadler, M.; Sonnleitner, P.; Wolff, C.; Martin, R. Sometimes less is more: Comparing the validity of complex problem solving measures. Intelligence 2015, 50, 100–113. The study was the first to address the important comparison between a classical measure of complex problem solving (CPS) and the more recent multiple complex systems (MCS) approach regarding their validity. In the study, we investigated the relations between one classical microworld as (...)
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  40. Autobiographical Forgetting, Social Forgetting and Situated Forgetting.Celia B. Harris, John Sutton & Amanda Barnier - 2010 - In Sergio Della Sala (ed.), Forgetting. Psychology Press. pp. 253-284.
    We have a striking ability to alter our psychological access to past experiences. Consider the following case. Andrew “Nicky” Barr, OBE, MC, DFC, (1915 – 2006) was one of Australia’s most decorated World War II fighter pilots. He was the top ace of the Western Desert’s 3 Squadron, the pre-eminent fighter squadron in the Middle East, flying P-40 Kittyhawks over Africa. From October 1941, when Nicky Barr’s war began, he flew 22 missions and shot down eight enemy planes in his (...)
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    Almanya’da İslamafobi’nin Artışında Neo-Selefî Yapıların Etkileri.Merve Nur Tekeci Çakar & Mehmet Akif Ceyhan - 2024 - Dini Araştırmalar 67 (67):127-161.
    Bu çalışmada, Almanya’da İslamofobi’nin artışında etkenler tespit edilmekte, bu etkenlerden biri olarak görülen Neo-selefî yapıların bu etkideki rolü analiz edilmektedir. İslamofobi, İslam dininden ve Müslümanlardan korkma, nefret etme, endişe duyma veya önyargılı olma olarak tanımlanabilir. Müslümanlardan korkma veya Müslümanlara düşmanlık besleme anlamında İslamofobi’nin kökenleri İslam’ın ilk dönemlerine kadar uzanmaktadır. Tarihi kökenlere bakıldığında bu düşmanlığın Kudüs’ün, Endülüs’ün ve Hristiyan dünyanın hüküm sürdüğü diğer toprakların Müslümanlar tarafından fethedilme süreçlerine kadar gittiği gözlemlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada ise son 20-30 yıllık süreç içerisinde görülen İslamofobi’nin artışındaki (...)
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    A Study on the Correlation Between Quality of Life and Unhealthy Emotion Among Patients With Endometriosis.Guimei He, Jiebing Chen, Zhangqing Peng, Kai Feng, Chunqi Luo & Xun Zeng - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    ObjectiveTo investigate the influence of quality of life on unhealthy emotions as well as relevant factors among patients with endometriosis for supporting relevant clinical care.MethodsA convenience sampling method was used to administer questionnaires to 139 patients with endometriosis, using the Hamilton Anxiety Inventory, the Depression Anxiety Scale, and the SF-12 Health Survey Short Form, and the results were analyzed. The SPSS20.0 software was used for statistical analysis on relevant data. If P < 0.05, there was statistical significance.ResultsTwelve-Item Short Form for (...)
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    A Companion to Cognitive Science.George Graham & William Bechtel (eds.) - 1998 - Blackwell.
    Part I: The Life of Cognitive Science:. William Bechtel, Adele Abrahamsen, and George Graham. Part II: Areas of Study in Cognitive Science:. 1. Analogy: Dedre Gentner. 2. Animal Cognition: Herbert L. Roitblat. 3. Attention: A.H.C. Van Der Heijden. 4. Brain Mapping: Jennifer Mundale. 5. Cognitive Anthropology: Charles W. Nuckolls. 6. Cognitive and Linguistic Development: Adele Abrahamsen. 7. Conceptual Change: Nancy J. Nersessian. 8. Conceptual Organization: Douglas Medin and Sandra R. Waxman. 9. Consciousness: Owen Flanagan. 10. Decision Making: J. Frank Yates (...)
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  44. Aging and memory: A model systems approach.P. R. Solomon & W. W. Pendlebury - 1992 - In L. R. Squire & N. Butters (eds.), Neuropsychology of Memory. Guilford Press. pp. 262--276.
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    Dinî Kimliğin Oluşumunda Çocukluk Döneminin Etkisi Rol Teorisi Bağlamında Psikolojik Bir Analiz.Şerife Ericek Maraşlıoğlu & Saffet Kartopu - 2023 - Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi 27 (2):684-705.
    Hayata gözlerini açan insanoğlu, kendisini bir dinî geleneğin ve kültürün içerisinde bulur. Dinî sözler ve telkinlerle karşılaşır, dinî nesne ve mekânları müşahede eder, dindar kimselerle görüşür ve onlarla iletişim içerisinde hayatını sürdürür. Din hakkında ailesinden, çevresinden çeşitli bilgiler öğrenir; dinî ibadetlerini yerine getiren insanları görür ve zaman zaman bu ibadetlere kendisi de katılır. Sorular sorar, araştırmalar yapar, dinî söz ve kavramları kullanmaya yönelir. Çocukluk dönemi, yetişkinlik dönemi dinî inanç, tutum ve davranışlarının oluşmasında başka bir deyişle dinî kimliği inşasında önemli etkiye (...)
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    Engineering, ethics, and the environment.P. Aarne Vesilind - 1998 - New York: Cambridge University Press. Edited by Alastair S. Gunn.
    Engineering is 'the people-serving profession'. The work of engineers involves interaction with clients, other engineers, and the public at large. More than any other profession, their work also directly involves and affects the environment. This book makes the case that engineers have special professional obligations to protect and enhance the environment, and the authors - one, an engineer and the other, a philosopher - seek to provide an ethical basis for these obligations. In exploring these ethical issues, the authors aim (...)
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  47.  12
    Relación entre las competencias emocionales y el rendimiento en la ejecución de proyectos.Eulises Rivas & Carlos Díaz - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):34-44.
    El desarrollo de la ciencia y la tecnología y de las competencias técnicas ha impulsado el desarrollo de las sociedad haciéndolas más complejas, causando que las aptitudes emocionales se conviertan en factores de éxito, ya que afectan el desempeño humano en todos los escenarios donde se desenvuelve, no obstante a pesar de las investigaciones en este área, actualmente no se cuenta con modelos que relacionen dichas aptitudes con el rendimiento organizacional, lo cual dio origen a esta investigación que busca determinar (...)
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  48. (1 other version)Was he trying to whisde it.P. M. S. Hacker - 2000 - In Alice Crary & Rupert J. Read (eds.), The New Wittgenstein. New York: Routledge. pp. 353-388.
  49. Introduction', in his.P. Singer - 1994 - In Peter Singer (ed.), Ethics. New York: Oxford University Press.
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  50. Roger Swyneshed's Obligationes. Edition and comments.P. V. Spade - 1977 - Archives d'Histoire Doctrinale et Littéraire du Moyen Âge 44.
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